Are You Stuck in A "Faith Funk"?

The last year has been hard for us personally and we will change that by BELIEVING GOD.  

BELIEVING GOD workbook study by Beth Moore has been life changing for our staff and ministry in Kenya and will be for you too!

 Let’s do this!  

Let’s BELIEVE GOD together for more and better!    

If you’re considered about Beth Moore homework load, we will be cutting homework load in half by going through the study slower!    

Hurry and grab your spot while there are spots left:    Mark your calendar for Fridays starting July 12 8:30AM CT for our zoom meetings.  

You can grab your Book at

Using this link helps us continue our work that we do in Kenya thru our nonprofit Mercy's Light Family in empowering young women and their babies who have been victims of human trafficking to find healing and hope through knowing the love of Jesus and walking in their God given identity.